We have a 14-day return policy and one-time limited exchange policy for full-price items shipped to the US. We offer 30-day returns for international orders; we do not do international exchanges. Discounted items are not eligible for exchanges or returns, which will also be noted in the product description when final sales are occurring. If the return/exchange time has expired since your purchase, unfortunately we cannot offer you a refund or exchange.
To be eligible for a return or exchange, your item must be in the condition you received it, with tags and packaging still attached. We will not accept items that have been laundered or soiled (including but not limited to deodorant residue, pet hair, stains, or strong scents, including but not limited to cigarette or other smoke). We do not offer returns, refunds, replacements, or exchanges for items that have been damaged due to not following our instructions for care.
If you need to return or exchange an item, send us an email at info@roobetmerchstore.com explaining why you are returning it and, if applicable, what you would like in exchange.